Account Administrators can add staff from your firm/practice - such as lawyers, paralegals and other staff - to your FamilyProperty Account, allowing them to login and work on Matters within FamilyProperty.
These people can be given different access levels depending on your firm's needs:
- Account Admins can create new matters, collaborate on all matters, manage all matters, and manage the FamilyProperty Account Settings and Users list. (There must be at least one Account Admin.)
- Account Users can create new matters, collaborate on matters that they have been added to, but can only manage matters if they have been made a Matter Admin.
- Account Viewers cannot create new matters. They can only collaborate on matters that they have been added to, or manage matters if they have been made a Matter Admin.
Note - if your team uses FamilyProperty via the Smokeball integration, users can be added via the integration instead.
Managing Users:
Account Admins can manage the users within the FamilyProperty as follows:
Login to FamilyProperty and click on 'Account' > 'Users'.
Click on 'Add' and fill in the following fields for your new user:
Full Name, Email Address, Access Level. -
Hit 'Save'.
Any newly added users will receive an invitation email to join FamilyProperty!
For any issues receiving invitation emails, please email the friendly support team at
Remember - if someone leaves your firm/practice, please ensure an Account Admin removes them from the list of users.