Once your Balance Sheet has been populated - ie, all the Assets, Liabilities and other items relevant to the Matter have been added to the Balance Sheet - you can begin modelling out your client's proposals and offers.
To add a proposal for a Balance Sheet item:
- Click on 'Propose something?' for that item.
- The proposal slider will appear for this Balance Sheet item, and by default, will show a 50/50 split.
- Click on this slider to adjust the split towards Party A's or Party B's side, OR
- Click on the name of the item to open up the Item Details window, which will allow you to manually adjust the split by inputting exact figures or percentages instead.
- As proposals are added and edited, the Balance Sheet will auto-calculate the sums and splits and show these in the Outcome box, as both monetary values ($) and percentages of the pool (%).
A summary of these totals will also always display at the bottom of your window: