FamilyProperty can generate a huge range of documents - from Balance Sheets to Heads of Agreements, Parenting orders and Property orders, Financial Statements and document indexes - all at the click of a button!
To learn more about the documents and forms available:
Heads of Agreement
Generate a Heads of Agreement document for this matter that details what is in agreement based on the information from both party's balance sheets.
Financial effect of agreement
Generate a financial effect of agreement table for this matter that details the financial net position for both parties based what is in agreement from both party's balance sheets.
Property Consent Orders
Generate draft Property Consent Orders (or Minute of Proposed Orders) using this matter based on the information from this party's balance sheet.
Parenting Consent Orders
Generate Parenting Consent Orders using the parenting schedule.
Draft Application for Consent Orders
Generate a populated version of the Application for Consent Orders form using this matter based on the information from both party's balance sheets. Populates the following parts: A, B, D, H & I.
Draft Application for Consent Orders (Form 11 - WA only) beta
Generate a populated version of the Application for Consent Orders (Form 11 - for WA only) form using this matter based on the information from both party's balance sheets. Populates the following parts: A, B, D, H & I.
Balance sheets & proposals
Balance sheet (this party only)
Generate a balance sheet from this party's balance sheet. Includes assets, liabilities, superannuation funds, financial resources and disposed assets. Also includes annexures for sub-balance sheets.
Proposal (this party only)
Generate a proposal document from this party's balance sheet which includes annexures for sub-balance sheets and connected liabilities.
Net proceeds (this party only)
Generate a net proceeds table based on the proposals in this party's balance sheet that details the financial net position for the parties.
Court documents
Joint balance sheet (for court)
Generate a FCFCOA approved joint balance sheet. References both parties balance sheets.
Property Orders
Generate draft Property Orders using this matter based on the information from this party's balance sheet.
Parenting Orders
Generate Parenting Orders using the parenting schedule.
Confidential Case Outline (FCFCOA)
Complete the information needed to generate the FCFCOA "Confidential Case Outline" document.
Financial Statement
Generate a populated version of the Financial Statement form. Populates the following parts: A, B, I, J, K, L & M.
Financial Statement - Part N
Complete a table of expenses that will then be used to populate "Part N" in the Financial Statement form.
Initiating Application
Generate a populated version of the Initiating Application form.
Response to Initiating Application
Generate a populated version of the Response to Initiating Application form.
Certificate of Dispute Resolution
Use this interactive form to complete and generate the Certificate of Dispute Resolution form.
Genuine Steps Certificate
Use this interactive form to complete and generate the Genuine Steps Certificate form.
Section 60I Certificate
Use this interactive form to complete and generate the Section 60I Certificate form.
Court event
Use this smart form to send your information to the court in preparation for your court event as part of the FCFCOA FamilyProperty pilot.
Disclosure index
Generate a spreadsheet that contains information all the accessible attachments within this matter from both parties.
Disclosure letter
Generate a letter that can be sent to the other side containing a list of your accessible attachments, with a link to the disclosure portal.
Questionnaire report
Download a complete export of all the information captured in the submitted questionnaire.
Dashboard export
Download all the information stored in this matter dashboard into a Word document.
Joint documents
Balance sheet (joint)
Generate a formatted balance sheet for this matter. Includes assets, liabilities, superannuation funds, financial resources and disposed assets from the information in both party's balance sheets. Also includes annexures for sub-balance sheets for this party only.
Balance spreadsheet (joint)
Generate a formatted balance spreadsheet for this matter. Includes assets, liabilities and superannuation funds, financial resources and disposed assets the from information in both party's balance sheets.
Proposals (inc. both parties)
Generate a proposals document for this matter that details what is being proposed from the information in both party's balance sheets.
Proposals Spreadsheet (inc. both parties)
Generate a proposals spreadsheet for this matter that details what is being proposed from the information in both party's balance sheets.
Matter considerations (inc. both parties)
Generate a report containing a list of all contributions and future needs information for both parties within this matter.
Children information
Export the information for each of the children in a Word document.
Parenting plan
Generate a parenting plan using the parenting schedule.
Parenting Orders
Generate Parenting Orders using the parenting schedule.
Parenting Consent Orders
Generate Parenting Consent Orders using the parenting schedule.
Matter considerations
Generate a report containing a list of all contributions and future needs information within this matter.
Matter chronology
Create a short summary of all the events within this matter, by the date they happened.
Matter attachments (Word document)
Generate a master list of all attachments for this matter. Includes who uploaded it and what it was attached to.
Matter attachments (Excel spreadsheet)
Generate a master list of all attachments for this matter. Includes who uploaded it and what it was attached to.
Matter attachments (with activity)
Generate a master list of all attachments for this matter. Includes who uploaded it, what it was attached to, as well as any activity logs.
Matter recommendations
Generate a list of all recommended actions (e.g required documents, tasks to complete) for this matter. Includes existing attachments for reference.
Case outline
Complete the information needed to generate a "case outline" document.
Response outline
Collect information from the other side regarding their income and balance sheet.